I've lived in my current place since September and I've yet to put up art and make it a home. The utilitarian curtains that belong to either the former tenant or my landlord are still up in the kitchen and living room and I have yet to really organize everything to my liking (I'm thinking about changing where my couches currently exist?). This past Saturday I was in this really weird place. I wanted to be a hermit and started getting a migraine and just didn't want contact with the outside world and at some point I thought, "I just need to do something for me". So I did...
I took down Christmas stuff and got it all stored away, in the process I got all of the other curtains that lived in my front closet (an absurd amount!) and got them all folded and boxed and out of my way; glad I did, too... I found the curtain rods for the bathroom! Then I finally finished unpacking my suitcases from Christmas and putting all of that stuff up and got my living room all arranged... then I refinished ottomans I've have for close to 5 years?!?
I bought fabric to recover with in August! Before I even moved in, but after I knew what my (new to me) furniture looked like... want to see them?
They need some more staple-gunning to the bottom, but I'm SO happy with how they turned out!!
Next up? New hand stamped curtains for the living room (and maybe kitchen?)... maybe this weekend ;)