Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Trying for Transparency

I need a vacation from my vacation. I need to relax from being super busy for a few days. From fitting in as many things as I could while I was there; the zoo a Cubs game, a birthday party, pool with my dad, Wrigleyville, Portillos, Caribou... Places and people I *heart* and miss. Spending time with family and friends, and making new friends...so many things happened.

The hard thing, is saying goodbye. Especially to my family. To my niece and nephews. I know God has me in Tennessee for a reason, I know that this is the place I need to be. I have a good job, friends, a church that feels like home. But whenever I leave Chicago and come back to Tennessee, I can't help but feel sad. This time, especially, I have had a lot of moments of tears when I remember it all. My niece explaining to one of my nephews about how I 'live very far away'. One of my nephews telling me 'I'll see you tomorrow', not realizing  that I was going to that place far far away and he wouldn't see me again for a very long time...

Its times like these that I honestly question God. I want to know the 'why's' of life... why I live so very far away...

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