Monday, November 14, 2011

Stalking Pinterest

I should qualify this blog post with the fact that I haven't been on pinterest in the last several days because I'm taking advantage of my 14 day free trial at; however.....

There are things that Pinterest has done for my life lately:

1. Motivate me! There are so many healthy recipes (that are delicious) and at-work mini at-your-desk "workouts" and quotes that inspire me to lose weight.... I dig it!

2. Made me realize that I waste money on things that I am perfectly capable of making myself. There are so many cute ideas for storage and organization and decorating that I can do with things I already own...

3. I want to cook more often! I did when I lived alone and I did when I first moved in with my roommate, but lately I just haven't been cooking and I miss it.

4. I want to grow my hair out (that phrase strikes me as odd right now). There are so many great hairstyles out there that look ok on my currently shoulder-length hair, but they would look SO much better done to my formerly longer hair. Here's to having the patience? I too often lose patience and hack it off....

5. I want to craft again. I want to make things and be creative. I'm a little jealous of my friend A who has changed jobs recently and re-found the time and energy and desire for crafting. We have been so crazy at work and there has been so much going on that I somethimes feel like I have zero creativity. I miss it. Maybe I should start coloring during my lunch breaks at work..... it'd be something anyway...

6. Probably most importantly for my health... I want to start using homemade/natural cleaning products. I refuse to make what I need until I'm done with what I have, but after a bout with a not-to-be-named bleaching spray this weekend I realized how sick harsh chemicals make me. My skin has broken out, I had a headache for two days and a slight rash on my face and arms. I don't know why we started going crazy with the chemicals, but I just can't use them anymore... so goodbye bleaching stuffs and hello vinegar and baking soda (they're in almost everything)!

Are you with me? Or not... I just think there is so much out there and I just had to share!

Oh, and speaking fo sharing... want to know something pretty cool? I'm not the first person in my family to have been in the town I live in. Thanks to some family geneology, I found out that my Great Great Grandfather fought in a battle in the Civil War in this very town!! Crazy, huh? I can't wait to see what else is out there.................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forgot to tell you, Dear Joy, that your homemade laundry soap works really well; thanks for the very generous sample. Love you! Mom