(It's a numbered list this time, for Brooklyncs)
1. It is September 15th, which means I have lived in Tennessee forexactly 4 years!
2. I have realized recently that if I start to get tired when I'mtalking on the phone, I start to sound like I'm from the south. My bestfriend thinks it's 'cute' which I think means 'funny'. I think thisgraph from 'indexed' says it all.
3. RubyRed numbed up from novocain sounds like she is either (a) drunk
or (b) on drugs of some sort. I find it very amusing.
4. Brooklyncs on Loritab is more amusing then RubyRed on Novocain... Iwish I had been there when she was cuddling her flip flops...
5. Ali-Gato's lemon squares rival those of Caribou Coffee.
6. I miss Caribou Coffee.
7. I think there should be a float hired specifically for Wilson County.It would just make things easier for all the rest of us.
8. I don't like floating as much as I used to.
9. Tennesseans need to have something to freak out about it. Snow in thewinter, gas prices during hurricane season, anything UT during football
season... you get my drift...
10. I bought a planner at Barnes and Noble the other day... but not theone I really wanted =o( But I was happy today when I found out there's asmall pocket in the back which will come in handy.
11. I'm going home in 10 days to surprise my mom for her birthday! It'svery exciting for me as I haven't seen my family since March!
12. On Saturday my car's rust spot went through all the way and I now amgoing to have to pay an auto body shop to fix it. I hope it doesn't costtoo much =o\
13. I'm starting a September - May Bible study tonight and am prayingthat God will give me the ability to stay disciplined for it. It's astruggle I often deal with.
14. I really want to lose weight in the most vain way. I know the Junewedding of my friends has nothing to do with me, but I want to look cutein the bridesmaid dress... I don't think that's too much to ask!
15. God has opened my eyes to a few things this weekend... big things...things I still don't entirely understand, but are already affecting theway I perceive things going on in my life.
16. I heard a sermon that now makes me ask myself "Do I reallyunderstand the Jesus died on the cross for me? Not just for people, butme??"
17. I am about to have 2 roommates... and they're fabulous people!!They're the two that are really fun when doped up on Loritab/Novocain...But let's hope they have no need to be on either again!
18. Due to moving, I am getting rid of excess things... even books... Inever thought I'd see the day that I would get rid of books. Of course,they're like Chicken Soup books... and stuff I got when I worked atFamily for free... Oh and the book from the annoying lady on the planethat time...