Tuesday, August 9, 2011

School's Back In & It's Stil Summer

Can you believe it? Does it seem to anyone else that kids are starting school earlier and earlier? I remember maybe a 1/2 week of school before Labor Day and then we had a three day weekend and back to school full time. Of course here in TN there's a fall break... is there fall break by you? I feel cheated by not having one... only not really, because I didn't have to go to school for most of August!!!

It's been a tough summer for me, but a great one, too. Some friends threw me a wonderful birthday party complete with photo booth and balloons, cupcakes and punch, a scrapbook that made me cry and a projected movie under the stars =o)

 (click on the photo to make it larger)
I went to the ATL to relax with family and I learned that there is actually a proper way to use the word "eh" and I learned how to use it! You can see posts about that (the ATL, not 'eh') here, here, here, here, and here!

I spent a couple of hours with R at the Stones River Battlefield watching some Civil War reenacting. Her mom and brother both reenact (although only her mom was there that day) and there were several things to see... 
(click on the photo to make it larger)
I'm most proud of the shot where I got the fire coming out of the barrel of the gun! Awesome, no? I can't wait to go to a full battle reenactment to try to get more shots like that (it's harder than it looks... I took close to 100 shots and only had 2 with any kind of fire, and the photo in the top left corner was really the only good one...)

Next up for my end of summer plans is to complete #40 on The List. Go to a Bears game! I'm going to a preseason game they have against the TN Titans at LP field!! I'm going with a good friend of mine, PC, and we're in section 116... here's a view from our section!!

I'm so very excited!!

Other than that, I'll be bringing back the Wordless Wednesday's to the blog now that I'll be back into some sort of a schedule, and working on posting more regularly... Thanks for meandering your way through my very random summer with me, I hope you had a good one with a mix of fun busy and relaxation... =oD

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