Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013 Me Time

My life gets hectic... I let it happen... So much so that I tend to put "Have a Me Day" for once a month on any kind of a New Years Resolution.

Not that I make New Years Resolutions.

This year I'm claiming more time. I'm still going to spend time with friends, but God is doing a lot in my life and I need to focus more on my time with Him (which really is my time for me, too). I'm going to be putting God first...

man... how many times have I said that.....

Sorry, friends, if I'm not completely accessible... I feel like that's already starting... but I'm claiming week nights in the name of gym time and reading time (I'm really looking forward to some challenging books; including the Bible!).

I love you all, I just love God more =o) which is how it should be... and like I prayed on Sunday in our prayer service at church, I really pray that this is the year I stop running from the fear of all I know God is calling me to; and I instead turn and run into His arms with hope for my future.

Praying for you, too, friends as this New Year has started....

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